Several reports have been developed to assist academic units when planning curriculum and scheduling classrooms.
The target goal reports provides helpful information for determining how your curriculum scheduling practices align with the Provost’s Office target goals for class distribution and seat utilization, part of the Class & Classroom Scheduling Policy.
Additional reports include a variety of enrollment, time utilization, and other class trends that may be helpful to deans, chairs, budget administrators, department administrators, curriculum schedulers, classroom schedulers, and facilities managers. Units may also access class and classroom data in Business Objects to create custom, ad-hoc reports.
Access to System & Reports
Target goal reports and other classroom reports can be accessed through Business Objects (U-M Data Warehouse) in the SM01 Space Management universe in the U-M Maintained folder.
To obtain access to Business Objects and the SM01 Space Management data set, contact your ITS Unit Liaison or submit an OARS request for the Space/Utilities/Plant Data Set in the FN Data Warehouse, found under “Financials & Physical Resources” in the Role Selection Tool.
Note: For assistance in determining your ITS Unit Liaison, please visit the ITS Unit Liaison List.
Target Goal Reports
The following two Business Objects reports provide information on how the scheduling practices of a department (Dept ID) or school/college (Dept Group) compares to the campus-wide target goals for scheduling distribution and seat utilization.
The scheduling distribution and seat utilization target goals are a part of the scheduling policy, which encourages more effective and efficient class and classroom scheduling practices for the Ann Arbor campus. For additional information on the policy and target goals, please refer to Class & Classroom Scheduling Policy.
Note: All report titles begin with “SM01 Spc Mng” in the Business Objects system.
Scheduling Distribution Target Goals
For class and event distribution target goal
The Scheduling Distribution Target Goal report shows how a school/college or department’s curriculum compares to the target goals. The calculation takes the number of hours scheduled for classes and events during the specific days and times for each target goal and divides this number by the total number of scheduled hours for the week. Included in the calculations are:
- Lecture, Discussion, Recitation, and Seminar course components scheduled Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., occurring in any room type (including classes without room assignments yet)
- Non-class events scheduled Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., occurring in classrooms (room type 110)
Classroom Utilization by Dept or Dept Group for Term or Date Range
For classroom size target goals (seat utilization)
The Classroom Utilization by Dept or Dept Group report provides a wide range of utilization information on classrooms:
- Seat utilization = Number of enrolled students / Number of seats available
- Shown for department or school for the entire term
- Seat utilization by individual class (in detail tab) assists units in identifying classes they may be placed in oversized rooms
- Time utilization = Number of hours scheduled (M-F, 8-5) / Number of hours available (M-F, 8-5)
Note: Though this report contains both information on seat utilization and time utilization, only seat utilization is an official campus target goal.
Other Available Reports
The following classroom utilization and scheduling Business Objects reports are also available in the Physical Resources folder within U-M Maintained reports. These reports are designed to assist your unit in curriculum planning by providing additional information on enrollment trends, class placement, cancelled class trends, etc.
Note: All report titles begin with “SM01 Spc Mng” in the Business Objects system.
Classroom Utilization by Building for Term or Date Range
- Building classroom utilization by the day of week (Time Utilization).
- Number of seats filled in the classroom (Seat Utilization).
- Benefits: Users can review how well classrooms are used within a building and review overall building use, regardless of scheduling department.
Class Meetings by Day of Week for Dept
- Summary of day, time, and location that classes are scheduled for a specific term.
- Detailed list of departmental class offerings.
- Benefits: Users can see a quick summary of day, time, and location that classes are scheduled for a specific term.
Classes Scheduled with No Enrlmnt by Dept for Term
- Departmental classes scheduled in a room without students enrolled.
- Benefits: Users can view classes that may need to be cancelled and identify classroom space that could be utilized for other classes or events.
Classes Utilizing a Room Not Owned by Dept
- A listing of classes by department that are scheduled in classrooms outside of the department.
- Benefits: Users can see a list of classes scheduled in non-departmental classroom space. Note: Does not include classes scheduled by the Registrar’s Office.
Classes Scheduled in Non-Classrooms by Dept
- Departmental classes scheduled in a non-classroom (e.g., conference room, study room, etc.) space.
- Benefits: Users can determine if classes are continually being placed in non-classroom spaces and determine if their classrooms are not meeting their needs.
Classes Scheduled in a Central Room by Dept for Term
- Departmental classes scheduled in central rooms by the Registrar’s office, using Schedule 25.
- Benefits: Users can see a comprehensive list (by department) of the classes that the Registrar’s Office schedules on behalf of the department(s).
Station Count Discrepancy
- A listing of classroom spaces that have discrepancies in room station counts (number of seats) between the M-Pathways Student Administration system and data reported in the Space Survey.
- Benefits: Users can identify inaccurate space survey data and request that it be corrected.
Combined Class Sections by Dept
- A listing of departmental classes that are Combined Sections.
- Benefits: Users can see a list of all combined sections, including the “Home” department for budgetary purposes.
Classrooms Shared for Classes Outside of Dept
- A listing of classrooms by owning department and the classes scheduled in these rooms for departments other than the owning department.
- Benefits: Users can see the list of classrooms that they are sharing with other departments on campus.
Classrooms Not Utilized by Dept
- A listing of departmental classrooms that have no classes scheduled in them for a specific term.
- Benefits: Users can determine if classrooms are available for scheduling, are coded correctly, or are being utilized efficiently.
Classroom Mix for Term
- Departmental classrooms grouped by size, with requested capacity totals compared to the actual enrollment totals of classes.
- Benefits: Users can review room size demand/supply needs and evaluate if the scheduling is optimizing the room.
Cancelled Class Trends by Dept
- Trending of active vs. cancelled classes for the last 10 terms (excluding spring, spring/summer, and summer terms).
- Benefits: Users can see how many classes are cancelled by term, and better plan future classes with a goal of reducing the number of cancellations.
Projected Class Size Trends by Dept
- Departmental classes by term comparing the requested capacity for a class section to the actual enrollment (excluding spring, spring/summer, and summer terms).
- Benefits: Users can better determine capacity requirements for future terms.
Ad-hoc Analysis of Utilization Data
Classroom utilization data is available in the Business Objects SM01 Space Management universe and may be used to create custom, ad-hoc reports. Additionally, the current reports may also be modified to include a wide number of other data elements to satisfy individual reporting needs.
Please contact [email protected] if you would like to customize any of the above reports or to learn about ad-hoc analysis previously completed.