The units listed here serve the entire campus, although each has an administrative home, found below.

Addiction Center
Biointerfaces Institute
Center for Cell Plasticity and Organ Design
Center of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics
Center on Finance, Law and Policy
Eisenberg Family Depression Center
Elizabeth Weiser Caswell Diabetes Institute
Erb Institute
Graham Sustainability Institute
Institute for Energy Solutions
Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
Institute for Global Change Biology
Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
Institute for Research on Women and Gender
Institute for Social Research
Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies
Life Sciences Institute
Mary A. Rackham Institute
MI Hydrogen
Michigan Center for hES Research
Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education
Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research
Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering
Michigan Institute for Data Science
Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering
Michigan Microbiome Project
Michigan Materials Research Institute
Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Michigan Society of Fellows
Opioid Research Institute
Poverty Solutions
Quantum Research Institute
Rackham Program in Public Scholarship
Tauber Institute for Global Operations
U-M Space Institute
Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine

College of Engineering

Administrative Centers
Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory
Lurie Nanofabrication Facility
Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory

Faculty Member Centers
Center for Laser-Aided Intelligent Manufacturing
S. M. Wu Manufacturing Research Center

School/College Centers
Automotive Research Center
Center for Entrepreneurship
Center for Ergonomics
Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering
Center for Ultrafast Optical Science
Center for Wireless Integrated Microsensing and Systems
Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)

Sponsored Research Centers
Center for Solar and Thermal Energy Conversion
Michigan/AFRL Collaborative Center in Control Science
Naval Engineering Education Center
Predictive Integrated Structural Materials Science Center

University Institute/Center
Biointerfaces Institute
Institute for Energy Solutions (joint with Office of Research)
Quantum Research Institute (joint with Office of Research and College of Literature, Science and the Arts)
U-M Space Institute

College of Literature, Science & the Arts

School/College Centers
Barger Leadership Institute
Center for Global and Intercultural Study
Center for Social Solutions
Center for the Study of Black Youth in Context
Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Center for World Performance Studies
Digital Studies Institute
Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies
English Language Institute
Institute for the Humanities
International Institute
– African Studies Center
– Center for Armenian Studies
– Center for European Studies – European Union Center
– Center for Japanese Studies
– Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
– Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies
– Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
– Center for South Asian Studies
– Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Copernicus Center for Polish Studies
– Donia Human Rights Center
– Global Islamic Studies Center
– Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Center for Chinese Studies
– Nam Center for Korean Studies
– Program in International and Comparative Studies
– Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies
– Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia
Jean & Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies
Language Resource Center
Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics
Michigan Institute for Research in Astrophysics
National Center for Institutional Diversity
Science Learning Center
Sweetland Center for Writing
Weinberg Institute for Cognitive Science

University Institute/Center
Quantum Research Institute (joint with Office of Research and College of Engineering)

College of Pharmacy

School/College Centers
Biochemical NMR Core
Pharmacokinetics and Mass Spectrometry Core
Vahlteich Medicinal Chemistry Core

University Institute/Center
Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education

Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

School/College Centers
Center for Local, State and Urban Policy
Center for Racial Justice
International Policy Center
Kohn Collaborative for Social Policy
Science, Technology and Public Policy Program
Weiser Diplomacy Center

Sponsored Research Center
Education Policy Initiative
Youth Policy Lab (joint with Institute for Social Research)

University Institutes/Centers
Center on Finance, Law and Policy
Poverty Solutions

Institute for Social Research

School/College Centers
Center for Political Studies
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Population Studies Center
Research Center for Group Dynamics
Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics
Survey Research Center

Sponsored Research Center
Youth Policy Lab (joint with Ford School for Public Policy)

Law School

Administrative Center
Center for International and Comparative Law

Agency Center
Institute of Continuing Legal Education

Life Sciences Institute

Administrative Centers
Center for Chemical Genomics
Center for Structual Biology
Cryo-Electron Miscroscopy
Michigan Drug Discovery
Natural Products Discover Core

Marsal Family School of Education

School/College Centers
Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research (CEDER)
Community-based Research on Equity, Activism, & Transformative Education (CREATE) Center

Sponsored Research Center

Medical School / EVPMA

Faculty Member Centers
Center for Advanced Models and Translational Sciences and Therapeutics
Center for Consciousness Science
Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center
International Center for Automotive Medicine
Michigan Center for Translational Pathology
Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences

School/College Centers
Brehm Center for Diabetes Research
Center for Arrhythmia Research
Center for Bioethics & Social Sciences in Medicine
Center for Sleep Science
Center for Systems Biology
Center for the History of Medicine
Clinical Simulation Center
Geriatrics Center
Kellogg Eye Center
Kresge Hearing Research Institute
Mary H. Weiser Food Allergy Center
Rogel Cancer Center
Samuel and Jean Frankel Cardiovascular Center
Sleep Disorders Centers
Taubman Medical Research Institute
University of Michigan Transplant Center
Weil Institute for Critical Care Research and Innovation

Sponsored Research Centers
Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit
Collaboratory for Technology, Health, and Independence
George M. O’Brien Kidney Translational Core Center
Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Center
Michigan Center for Gastrointestinal Research
Michigan Diabetes Research Center
Nutrition Obesity Research Center

University Institutes/Centers
Addiction Center
Center for Cell Plasticity and Organ Design
Center of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics
Eisenberg Family Depression Center
Elizabeth Weiser Caswell Diabetes Institute
Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
Michigan Center for hES Research
Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education
Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research
Michigan Microbiome Project
Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Opiod Research Institute (joint with Office of Research)
Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine

Office of the Provost

University Institutes/Centers
Graham Sustainability Institute
Institute for Social Research
Life Sciences Institute

Office of Research

Sponsored Research Centers
Exercise annd Sports Science Initiative
Michigan-Israel Partnership for Research and Education

University Institutes/Centers
Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
Institute for Research on Women and Gender
Institute for Energy Solutions (joint with College of Engineering)
MI Hydrogen

Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering
Michigan Institute for Data Science
Opiod Research Institute (joint with Medical School)
Quantum Research Institute (joint with College of Engineering and College of Literature, Science and the Arts)

Rackham Graduate School

University Institutes/Centers
Mary A. Rackham Institute
Michigan Society of Fellows
Rackham Program in Public Scholarship

School of Dentistry

School/College Centers
Human and Clinical Research Center
Michigan-Pittsburgh-Wyss Regenerative Medicine Resource Center

School for Environment and Sustainability

Agency Centers
Institute for Fisheries Research

Faculty Member Centers
International Forestry Resources and Institutions Research

School/College Centers
Center for Sustainable Systems
Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research
Erb Institute (joint with Ross School of Business)
Michigan Sea Grant
Tishman Center for Social Justice and the Environment

Sponsored Research Center
Berman Western Forest and Fire Initiative
Ecosystem Management Initiative
Great Lakes Integrated Sciences + Assessments

University Institutes/Centers
Institute for Global Change Biology

School of Kinesiology

Faculty Member Center
Center for Race & Ethnicity in Sport
Center for Sport Marketing Research
Michigan Center for Sport & Social Responsibility
Michigan Center for Sport Management

School/College Center
Michigan Concussion Center

Sponsored Research Center
Center for Sports Venues & Real Estate Development

School of Music, Theatre & Dance

School/College Center
Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments

Sponsored Research Center
American Music Institute

School of Nursing

School/College Centers
Center for Improving Patient and Population Health
Center for Sexuality and Health Disparities
Center for the Study of Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking and Health
Statistics Online Computational Resources

School of Public Health

Faculty Member Centers
Center for Managing Chronic Disease
Center for Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture and Health
Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health
Center for Statistical Genetics
Center for Value-Based Insurance Design
Griffith Leadership Center

School/College Centers
Momentum Center

Sponsored Research Centers
Center for Health Communications Research
Center for Midlife Science
Center for Occupational Health and Safety
Center for Respiratory Virus Research and Response
Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center
Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center
Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease Center
Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center
Prevention Research Center
Region V Public Health Training Center
Statistical Analysis of Biomedical and Educational Research

School of Social Work

Faculty Member Centers
Center for Equitable Family & Community Well-Being
Center on Assets, Education & Inclusion

School/College Center
Vivian A. and James L. Curtis Research and Training Center

Sponsored Research Center
Child and Adolescent Data Lab

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Agency Center
William Davidson Institute

Faculty Member Center
Office of Tax Policy Research

School/College Centers
C.K. Prahalad Initiative
Center for Positive Organizations
China Initiatives
India Initiatives
Mitsui Life Financial Research Center
Paton Accounting Center
Sanger Leadership Center
Thomas C. Jones Initiative for Innovation in Undergraduate Education
Tozzi Electronic Business and Finance Center
Weiser Center for Real Estate
Yaffe Digital Media Initiative
Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies

University Institutes/Centers
Erb Institute (joint with School for Environment and Sustainability)
Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies
Tauber Institute for Global Operations