Schools and Colleges

The following schools and colleges report directly to the provost:

Current List of U-M Deans with email and office addresses

Academic Affairs

Reporting to Laurie McCauley

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Reporting to Shalanda Baker

Vice Provost for Sustainability and Climate Action

Reporting to Valeria Bertacco

Vice Provost for Engaged Learning

Reporting to Sara Blair

Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs, Arts, and Humanities

Reporting to Adele C. Brumfield

Vice Provost for Enrollment Management

Reporting to Tabbye Chavous

Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer

Reporting to Angela Dillard

Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Reporting to Thomas Finholt

Senior Vice Provost for Academic and Budgetary Affairs

Reporting to Christopher Friese

Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs

  • Academic Human Resources
    (With an emphasis on the Dental School, School of Kinesiology, Medical School, School of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, and the School of Public Health.)

Reporting to Michael Solomon

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs-Graduate Studies
Dean, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies


Institutes and Centers

The list of institutes and centers is a service of the Office of the Provost, as some units listed do not report directly to the office, but often to deans and/or department chairs.