The Office of the Provost and several Academic Affairs units provide funding opportunities for faculty members.

Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) sponsors competitions for grants to enhance teaching and learning at the University of Michigan.

Graham Sustainabilty Institute

The Graham Sustainability Institute offers regular funding opportunities for U-M faculty through the Emerging Opportunities program, the Water Center and other programs.


King-Chavez-Parks Visiting Professors Program

This program, administered by the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, provides support for visiting professors with traditional scholarly backgrounds as well as outstanding performers or practitioners in their fields of expertise. Visits are generally five days or fewer.

OVPR Anti-Racism Grants

The OVPR Anti-Racism Grants aim to catalyze innovative research and scholarship efforts that will advance knowledge and understanding around complex societal racial inequalities that can inform actions to achieve equity and justice.

President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

In a collaboration with the University of California, the University of Michigan offers postdoctoral research fellowships in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), economics, and political science, coupled with faculty mentoring, professional development, and academic networking opportunities.

Provost’s Early Tenure-Track Faculty Research Support Initiative

The Provost’s Office and the Office of the Vice President for Research have each launched new programs to financially support faculty whose research, scholarship and creative practice have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Provost’s Faculty Initiatives Program

The Provost’s Faculty Initiatives Program (PFIP) provides supplemental resources to help schools and colleges and other academic units to hire and retain faculty with a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion through scholarship, teaching and/or service; to assist the dual career partners of tenure track and tenured faculty; and to respond to unique opportunities. Funding proposals can only be submitted by a dean or his/her designate.