How will this tutorial help you?
After completing this tutorial, you will
- Be more aware of and knowledgeable about potential conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of commitment;
- Understand Standard Practice Guide (SPG) 201.65-1 (e.g., principles, rights, and responsibilities), which applies to all U-M employees;
- Be able to carry out your responsibilities related to potential COIs and COCs, especially the need to disclose potential conflicts;
- Understand the relationship between the University’s central COI/COC policy (SPG 201.65-1) and unit implementation policies;
- Know more about potential violations of SPG 201.65-1, and what the consequences of those violations might be; and
- Know where to turn when you have questions or want more information.
However, without further information and training beyond this tutorial, you will not
- Know about your unit’s COI/COC implementation policy;
- Understand all the complexities of recognizing and managing potential COIs and COCs; and
- If you are a supervisor or manager, be fully prepared to handle potential COIs and COCs.